Conversion ID 801941580 Conversion label 1vQBCIDzmdcBEMzQsv4C


Just five minutes by car from Oneroa, Marino Ridge is the crowning jewel of the spectacular north-western end of Waiheke Island. On the western side of Owhanake Bay we are nestled under the crest of the ridge enclosing the Bay. Our views are panoramic, yet we are entirely private.

To get here you have the choice of passenger ferry from Downtown Auckland, car ferry from Half Moon Bay (and from Wynyard Wharf in Auckland Central in the summer months), by helicopter - Heletranz, Inflite, HelicopterMe or other helicopter service - from the airport or the city direct to our on-site helipad, or by seaplane by Auckland Seaplanes Ltd to a sheltered landing area close by.

When you arrive off the passenger ferry at Matiatia Wharf, which is literally just a few hundred metres away from us as the Kereru flies, you’ll be met with comfortable complimentary transport to Marino Ridge. Look for me or Caroline or a transfer driver holding a small white Marino Ridge sign (if for any reason we're unable to collect we'll advise when you call us to confirm you are on the ferry and you can catch a taxi up and we'll reimburse you).  You’ll also be met at the aerodrome if you’ve come by light aircraft, or at the nearest bay that the seaplane can safely use.

Rental cars and bikes are available right off the ferry. Booking offices are inside the terminal (better to book online before you arrive), and the collection areas are on your right above the car parking area, away from the beach.

If you come by car ferry/self-drive, drive through Oneroa Village and take Korora and Tiri Roads to the far end of Delamore Drive. Pass through the main gate (call us prior +64 9 372 9799 for the current codes to that and the house gate), go on up about 400m, then take the right fork. Marino Ridge's entrance sign is at the 3rd driveway on your right. Park to the left inside the gate.  Walk the curving path up to the left to the front door- we'll help with your bags!  

Once you are with us we’ll give you any other information you might need to get around simply and safely! 


What our previous guests have said