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We are thrilled to announce the award to us at Marino Ridge by Tourism New Zealand's Qualmark of their 5 STAR BOUTIQUE & LODGING rating and GOLD SUSTAINABLE TOURISM BUSINESS Award, their top award.

We are thrilled to announce the award to us at Marino Ridge by Tourism New Zealand's Qualmark of their 5 STAR BOUTIQUE & LODGING rating and GOLD SUSTAINABLE TOURISM BUSINESS Award, their top award. 

In their words, "Marino Ridge is now recognised one of the most high quality, safe and sustainable experiences in New Zealand.   You have met standards designed to protect what makes New Zealand unique and special, including our spectacular landscapes and scenery, our warm welcoming people and the ability to participate in our many and varied tourism offerings...".

 A fabulous achievement, one a long time in the planning and execution, the benefits of which flow to you, our guests! Guest Review Awards 2018 - 9.9 of 10.0.   WOW!!!    Well, we'll keep trying to get to 10 but, as happens (thankfully very rarely) there will always be an outlier, the review from whom is more likely will reflect issues not necessarily relating to our property or our service quality.  But should anything within our ability to correct ever go amiss, we are and will always be committed to correcting it quickly and making good.  Sincere thanks to all of you who have so strongly supported us!!!



Posted by Peter Davey on August 01, 2021

What our previous guests have said